by Sharon Tomkins | Apr 24, 2024 | Health & Wellness
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Discover tips and ideas you can use to make your life healthier. There is more than one way to stay healthy, and if you asked people around you what a healthy lifestyle is, chances are you would get a different answer every time. This...
by Sharon Tomkins | Mar 8, 2024 | Health & Wellness, Workplace Wellness
Estimated reading time: 1 minute International Women’s Day is celebrated in March every year, with this year’s theme being Inspire Inclusion. One of the focus areas for IWD is women’s health, which this year highlights the Gender Health Gap....
by Sharon Tomkins | Jul 20, 2023 | Exercise, Health & Wellness, Menopause
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Do you want to learn how to make exercise fun and fulfilling during Menopause and beyond? If so, here’s some good news for you. I’ve overcome the struggles of Menopause and midlife and transformed my life into a time of...
by Sharon Tomkins | Jun 6, 2023 | Health & Wellness, Personal Growth
Achieve more with less effort; learn about the 80-20 rule and how to use it to improve every aspect of your life. Most of us have been told that the key to success is hard work, whether in our education, careers, or relationships. However, have you ever wondered why...
by Sharon Tomkins | Apr 25, 2023 | Health & Wellness, Menopause, Mental Wellbeing
Learn the benefits of calmness during Menopause and how to effectively achieve more calmness in your life. So do you remember being in a situation as a child when you suddenly felt really hot and sweaty? Maybe you were playing outside on a hot day, or you were nervous...
by Sharon Tomkins | Mar 21, 2023 | Exercise, Health & Wellness
Your bounce-back guide “How long does it take to get back to exercise after an injury? I have strained my back and don’t know when I should return to exercising. I’m worried that the exercises I did before are unsafe, and I don’t know what to...