Building a Supportive Workplace Culture: Strategies for Prioritising Mental Health

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Creating a culture of mental wellbeing in the workplace is critical to employees’ overall health, productivity, and the organisation’s success. Studies by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School have shown a clear correlation between happiness and productivity, with happy employees being 13% more productive. As an employer, there are several steps you can take to ensure the wellbeing of your workforce, which, in turn, can enhance your business outcomes.

Empowering your workforce to open up and discuss mental health is essential. You can create a safe space for employees to discuss their mental health by implementing regular check-ins, conducting anonymous surveys, or providing access to Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). By fostering a culture of trust and understanding, you can establish the foundation of a mentally healthy workplace.

Promoting work-life balance is essential and a powerful productivity booster. Encouraging employees to take breaks, offering flexible working arrangements, and setting realistic expectations can help prevent chronic stress and burnout, leading to a more productive and engaged workforce. Additionally, providing opportunities for professional development and growth is crucial, as these can boost employee morale and motivation.

Employers can lead by example and prioritise their mental health and wellbeing, actively contributing to reducing the stigma around mental health issues in the workplace. This simple act can have a profound impact on the overall mental wellbeing of the workforce.

Implementing wellness programs, fitness classes, mindfulness sessions, or mental health workshops can also positively impact employee wellbeing. These programs can help employees manage stress, improve resilience, and promote a healthy work environment.

In Sum

Creating a culture of mental wellbeing in the workplace requires a proactive and holistic approach from employers. By fostering open communication, promoting work-life balance, leading by example, and implementing wellness programs, you can create a supportive and healthy work environment that benefits employees and the organisation.

Sharon Tomkins

Sharon is a New Zealand qualified Health Coach and Personal Trainer, as well as an ICF Certified Coach and Accredited Coaching Supervisor. Sharon was awarded the 'Health & Wellness Coach of the Year' 2022, by The Health Coaches Australia & New Zealand Association.
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